The Novel Coronavirus and IT Companies
March 19, 2020, Silicon Valley is locked down to avoid the Covid-19 spread. The Covid-19, a branch of Coronavirus is spread in over 175 countries. It is one of the worst pandemics ever witnessed by mankind in the world. Previously there had been SARS, yellow fever, black fever and even the Indian Flu that killed over thousands of people. But Covid-19 is reported as the deadliest yet. However, the bright signs are also there. 90% of the Covid-19 patients tend to recover, and even some recoveries have been reported. Well, we began discussing the Silicon Valley, mighty California, is ordered to stay home and stay away from Covid-19. But some web application development services are still in practice. Thanks to the global networks that are still active and making the IT professionals stay up on their toes. Especially in the wake of the Novel Coronavirus, the consumer is heading more towards E-Commerce websites. And that puts a special emphasis on branding designs companies.
What is Coronavirus?
Coronavirus has been in the world for very long. Some say that it survived in the chickens and a couple of other organisms. But some believe that bats were the first to spread the coronavirus. The presently prevailing Covid-19 is a type of coronavirus which originally was revealed as pneumonia. But later it was identified that it was not just the simple cold. It is something relevant to the Novel Coronaviruses family. Some of the UI design experts developed the imagery shape of the virus. It appears much like a spiked sphere with thorny mushrooms on it. Further, three months after the widespread of Covid-19, the SARS-COV2 was discovered. It is a mutation of Covid-19, which has embarked on the fear level in the world. Subsequently, the scientist has identified that it is more severe and deadly compared to Covid-19. Well, some professional content writers have helped scientists explain what the virus is. And here we have gathered some of their research work.Signs of Covid-19
: The important thing is to distinguish Covid-19 from the cold. As the symptoms between both are quite similar. They include:- Trouble in breathing
- Severe fever
- Continuous cough
The Novel Coronavirus and IT Companies
: Back in November of 2019, some medical companies order social media marketing services to wage the precautions of the ongoing cold. A few branding design companies realized that something is imminent. And after they felt the doctors are worried about a new wave of epidemic diseases, they thought to make the world aware. But they had no clue until deaths from pneumonia were surfaced. Devify Solutions, a marketing services company, followed some of its Chinese partners and clients. They were all depressed under a serious problem causing illness all over Eastern China. Later it was identified that something from the coronavirus family is out in the world. There were numerous speculations and hunches played all around for the surfaced deaths. But it was not identified until late December 2019. The professional content writers got the lead and began writing on the newly erupted virus. But they had no information on what that it is and it would have come up. Amid all the widespread of this new virus, branding designs companies and other IT sectors suffered a series of losses. Though it was all fine till mid-February, 2020. But soon as the virus struck over 150 countries, everything became vulnerable. Despite knowing that something is coming, IT companies were unable to create a defense for themselves. They were just aware of a few things. But social gatherings, such as those in workplaces were not acknowledged. And even no one anticipated them. Certainly, the last days of February shackled the IT business. However, some experts, like Devify Solutions, are still in business because of their viable connectivity.Prevention Is Better Than Cure…
As of now, there has been no cure found for this pandemic disease. Instead, there are just precautions to prevent it from happening. Here we have them for your service:- Drink a lot of water, and do not let your throat dry out;
- Keep yourself clean all the time. Wash your hands with soap, handwash or sanitize them after short intervals
- Prevent social gathering, as you may not know who is having coronavirus. And make sure to maintain a distance of 6 feet. Like Devify Solutions, an expert marketing services company changed its officer set up by creating a gap between two seats for 2 meters.
- Once done with the office, no hanging out, instead go home and isolate yourself for some time.
Certainties and Uncertainties
: The professional content writers might have analyzed a few things. But the branding designs companies did find some potential information:- First, Covid-19 is not an airborne disease. It is a transferable virus that moves from person to person through breath, sneeze and cough drops.
- There is a lot of panic among the masses because of this virus. Even some people are quite frightened because of the prevailing situation. And to protect themselves they wear face masks, gloves, and other protective gear all the time. That is not required. Instead, if a mask gets the germs on it, and you do not wash it with an antiseptic solution, it may become the cause of transferring coronavirus into you.
- It is sure that Covid-19 mainly affects people with poor immunity, such as elderly people. But youngsters are not even safe. They feel like they are invincible, but that is just a fiction. There are plenty of examples all around the world, and even among some famous footballers from Europe.
- There is no vaccine created so far for this disease. They are underway, and probably by the monsoon one of them might be introduced.
- Tension is all about vaccines and drugs. Because no one can sit locked up for long. Amid this tension, the supreme leaders are also worried about their nations. And that worry drags them towards waging an immediate solution. Some meds have been proposed as suitable to reduce this virus. But they are not tested yet. Even one of those is a malaria vaccine and is stated to help coronavirus patients become healthy. However, a major fact is still denied that Covid-19 damages kidneys, so does those malaria meds.